

"If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster." ~Clint Eastwood Martin kicks off this episode with his GTR, (good things report) what he believes might just be a great trick to help him remember names. Henry's GTR is about his recent trip to the desert with the family to see the amazing desert bloom. The spring flowers are flourishing as a result of the recent and heavy rainfall in California. Jumping into today's topic; "Staying on your toes" they both share how easy it is to fall back into "comfort" and "security". To become complacent and then before one realizes it they are "playing" defense" and have fallen back into "protection mode" rather than pushing forward and continuing to learn and challenge themselves. It's easy to fall back on your heels, become tentative, hesitant and insecure. And, Henry and MG use the old sports analogy that is almost cliche these days. That of the football team with a big lead who will go into a "Prevent Defense". If you saw the most recent Superbowl many contend that is precis