

In this episode Martin recounts the classic parable about a Chinese Farmer. As you listen to the story it becomes easy to see how we, like the neighbors in the story, are intent on labeling events either "good" or "bad", "fortunate" or "unfortunate". The parable though teaches us to withhold immediate judgement and cautions us at the same time to allow events to play out further. Martin recalls a similar story when an entrepreneur within a group he was coaching/mentoring was ecstatic about finally making the perfect hire after months of frustration and struggle including dozens of interviews. Finally, the entrepreneur updated Martin with a text saying that he had made what he believed was the perfect hire! A month later though as the group reconvened, the entrepreneur shared that the new hire had only lasted a couple days and then quit. The question for us is, what events are transpiring in your life, at the moment, that appear unfavorable? And, like the wise Chinese farmer can you ask yourself if perhaps th