

"We don't see the world as it is, we see it as we are." ~Anais Nin When people talk about shifting their paradigm it might sound corny, or perhaps trendy, or both. The importance of shifting one's paradigm particularly when it comes to self-imposed limitations or limiting beliefs can not be overstated. In fact, Einstein once said you can't solve a problem using the same level of thinking that created the problem and that is precisely the value of a paradigm shift. Martin provides the example of how The Habit Factor, itself, by exploring the subject of HABIT very deeply helped to shift people's paradigms about habit. And in particular, how habit  helps to drive goal achievement. He even shares the example of Apple's "Think Different" campaign which was their way to underscore Apple's belief that a computer isn't a computer (as we know it) but rather an extension of our personality, how we work and even in many ways could be viewed as art. Martin also recounts a great story, originally shared by the late Dr. St