Habits 2 Goals: The Habit Factor® Podcast With Martin Grunburg | Goal Achievement, Productivity & Success Simplified

S02-INT10: Andrew Ferebee: The Evolution of Knowledge For Men



"I was just doing it for myself. I was coming out of a break upand I had just quit my job and I was in a place of pain... it was abroken-hearted pain and a lost pain... I didn't know what I wasdoing..."If you know a young man ages 20- 45ish... Andrew Ferebee is the guyhe should know and Knowledge For Men is the blog and podcast heshould subscribe to!That "pain" was the impetus that launched Knowledge For Men. AndrewFerebee was grappling with extreme personal challenges and at theage of twenty-four began his blog as a way to help him sort out hisissues, vent, pose some big life questions and at the same timeshare his journey.Andrew became an avid personal development student, devouringhundreds of self help books, going to events and as he wrote aboutand shared what he learned his blog grew rapidly in popularity!Less than a year into his endeavor he had 700,000 views per monthand recognized his struggle was resonating with thousands of youngmen around the world.Today, his podcast, Knowledge For Men has over 2.4