Habits 2 Goals: The Habit Factor® Podcast With Martin Grunburg | Goal Achievement, Productivity & Success Simplified

S02-INT07: Rick Sessinghaus, The Path to Peak Performance in Golf & Life



"If we're focused, confident and relaxed we have a much better opportunity to execute what we want...""We know that our behaviors and our habits lead to our results..." A former pro golfer, Rick earned his doctorate in Applied Sports Psychology. He is the author of Golf: The Ultimate Mind Game and is former editor of Golf Tips magazine.A high school football injury directed Rick toward the sport of golf, and what he's learned since has truly been life-altering.In a competitive playoff for the right to join his college golf team as a walk-on, as he describes it, he "choked" under pressure. It was that "failure" that became a formative life experience and sent Rick toward the study of peak performance strategies.Today Rick is a sought-after peak-performance coach who trains aspiring professionals and helps corporate executives apply his many strategies and insights on peak performance, leadership and teamwork.In this episode, Rick shares:How to re-write your story to serve your ambitionsPhysiological influences