Habits 2 Goals: The Habit Factor® Podcast With Martin Grunburg | Goal Achievement, Productivity & Success Simplified

S02-INT05: Frank Scarpaci: Founder Vianova, The Power of The "B" Corp



“Companies see that there is so much value that comes from doing good in the community and it adds so much business value as well." “And I realized that through my many zigs and the zags I picked up experiences that really helped me to grow as a consultant." ~Frank ScarpaciFrank Scarpaci, a sought-after B corp and corporate social responsibility consultant, reviews a vast array of benefits related to becoming a "B" corporation (short for a "Benefit" corporation), a new type of corporation that puts social, community and environmental causes and stakeholders at equal value with corporate profits.Today, certified "B" corps span 47 countries and more than 130 industries and encompasses a growing community of more than 1,600 businesses!In this episode, Frank recounts his unique experience and the journey that led to him to becoming a leader in the space and a well-known consultant for aspiring businesses looking to become B corp certified.Frank shares many smart insights in this episode, including:How the B corp