Habits 2 Goals: The Habit Factor® Podcast With Martin Grunburg | Goal Achievement, Productivity & Success Simplified

S02-Frequently Asked Friday 04: What is the Law of Cosmic Habit Force?



After searching for nearly 20 years Napoleon Hill finally declares he's discovered the missing link— the secret that he unintentionally left out of his bestselling classic, "Think & Grow Rich".It appears that The Law of Cosmic Habit Force is only something Napoleon Hill could have discovered after writing Think & Grow Rich and hearing from many that, "it didn't work" and wasn't making them rich.A distraught Napoleon was confounded as he heard this sort of feedback repeatedly. Even though it worked for many, his 16 principles fell short for a number of other readers.“WHAT was missing!?” Well, Mr. Hill pondered that question long and hard, and, as he explained it, he found himself meditating upon this “missing link” FOR ANOTHER 20 YEARS!So, what was missing!?Well, it’s almost unfair to tell you/share it ; ). Consider that Napoleon Hill spent 20 years of his life formulating this success philosophy and authoring Think & Grow Rich, then another 20 years trying to figure out what the “MISSING LINK” was