

"Are you bigger than your problems?" T. Harv Eker Martin kicks off this show about CONTROL with a quote he's heard T. Harv Eker say many times regarding a technique people can use to solve their problems. The first thing they can ask themselves is, "Who is bigger? Me or the problem?"Martin then carries the idea of "control" further, where control influences other facets of our lives...Consider winning and losing? When one "controls" the environment they certainly have a better chance at winning, don't they? Hence, competitive environments are designed to be neutral and there are even referees to ensure an environment of fairness. We all tend to recognize the idea of the "home field" advantage. Further, psychologists now concur that a sense of control increases one's level of happiness. If you're unhappy perhaps you should investigate your level of control related to various aspects of your life (home, family, work, etc)."Ask yourself, "Is there anything I can do to change the environment (control) to increase