Cold Case Murder Mysteries

Prescription Pills, Cheap Thrills & The Inherent Ills in Taking Lakeside Spills: Dissecting the Disappearance of Bryce Laspisa



At 11:30pm on August 28, 2013, a 19-year-old Sierra College student named Bryce Laspisa got behind the wheel of his SUV heading south on California's Interstate 5 headed in the direction of his parents' home nearly 500 miles away, soon after telling his mother he had something important to talk to her about. But Bryce never makes it home. Throughout one of the strangest road trips in recent memory, one that lasts in excess of 30 hours, Bryce will do everything he can to avoid arriving at his destination, up to and including an attempt on his own life, before disappearing without a trace. Join host Ryan Kraus for a fascinating look at the psychology of the truth hidden within the mystery.