Suicide Prevention Australia

22: Speech: ‘The Ripple Effect of Suicide’



This is a speech SPA Ambassador and lived experience advocate, Lauren Breen, made at a conference in Abingdon (Southwest Virginia) in August 2016. Lauren is passionate about raising awareness of suicide prevention and harnessing the voices of people with a lived experience of suicide. If you want to learn how to safely share your story of lived experience like Lauren, think about joining the SPA Lived Experience Network and applying to attend the Lived Experience Speakers Bureau. Find out more about Network by visiting It is so important to talk openly and safely about suicide but, if listening to this triggers difficult emotions in you, please talk about how you’re feeling with a trusted family member, friend or people at one of our partner organisations - Full speech transcript here - #therippleeffect #livedexp #suicideprevention #hope Gloria Hunniford has a

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