Ask Win

E: 31 S: 15 Win Charles interviews BETSY Wurzel on being a retired LPN and Teacher's Aide



Ask Win: Ask Win sponsor: Please donate to Ask Win by going to Payment Venmo Win1195 at Win Kelly Charles’ Books: Win Kelly Charles' MONAT:   On Ask Win today (Thursday, January 19, 2023), Best-Selling Author, Win C welcomes Betsy Wurzel. Betsy is a retired LPN and  Teacher's Aide.  Betsy is a mom of an adult son  with a cognitive  disability. Betsy didn't  know she was an advocate  for her son but she had to stand my ground  for Josh to get what he needed. Betsy never heard about Alzheimer's until  het mom in law was diagnosed  in 2000. There wasn't much information at that time. Betsy took care of her mom in law for 5 years  before  she was placed. That was 5 difficult  years. Betsy’s dad also had Alzheimer's. In 2010, Betsy’s husband Matt  was diagnosed with  Early Onset Alzheimer's. Matt