

Are you sick and tired of waiting for everyone else's schedules to match up so that all of you can hit the road together? Does solo travel strike fear in your heart but you want more freedom in your life? Do you spend too much time coming up with excuses why you can't travel instead of reasons why you can & should? Solo travel has the power to change the way you see the world and yourself all while giving you the freedom to explore and learn on your schedule. Today's guest Manjinder Kang has visited 37 countries, all solo, all while working full time, and even considers himself an introvert. He wants you to know that if he can do it, so can you. We are getting into the initial struggles with loneliness and how to battle your way through it, how travel helps you see global issues in a new light, and how you too can travel while still working a full-time job. Breakthrough the excuses to live the life you want to live! What is your biggest block against solo travel? Did this fuel the fire of solo travel for you?