5 Minute Italian

55: Che cosa puoi fare a Milano?



Find out more about our Italian immersion vacations: https://courses.joyoflanguages.com/italian-immersion-vacations/ *Correction - in the episode, Katie said "15th", the vacation is actually on the 14th (14 - 17 December) Get the bonus materials from today's episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/things-to-do-in-milan/ Today's words: Che cosa puoi fare a Milano? = What can you do in Milan? Che cosa = What Puoi = You can Fare = do A Milano = in Milan Puoi visitare il duomo e salutare la Madonnina = You can visit the cathedral and say hello to "la Madonnina", which is the little golden statue of The Virgin Mary at the top of the cathedral. Puoi = You can Visitare = visit il duomo = the cathedral e = and salutare = say hello to la Madonnina = the little Virgin Mary statue. Panino = sandwich (literally means small bread). Pane = bread ino = word ending that means "small" Puoi visitare il castello sforzesco = You can visit the Sforzesco Castle. Con un parco bellissimo = With a beautiful park. Puoi mangiare piatti tip