Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast

The AI Paradigm Shift, Interview With João Moura, creator of CrewAI | João Moura



BONUS: The AI Paradigm Shift, Interview With João Moura, creator of CrewAI In this episode, we explore the impact that AI may have in our work, and discuss with João Moura, a key actor in the AI space about the future trends and what they mean for product development. The Journey into AI and the Genesis of CrewAI João Moura's interest in AI began during his childhood coding endeavors, a journey marked by curiosity and challenge. Despite finding AI more complex than traditional programming, his persistent engagement led to the creation of CrewAI.  CrewAI, João’s library to take advantage of the multi-agent paradigm, is an example of what can happen when we bring different disciplines together in the form of a software development team. João refers to the transformation that happened in the field of AI when finally the software developers were working together with the AI researchers. Transformative Changes in Technology through AI Integration The AI landscape saw a pivotal shift with the collabor