Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast

Empathy in Action, How Great Product Owners Help Their Agile Teams Succeed | Inga Bergmann



Inga Bergmann: Empathy in Action, How Great Product Owners Help Their Agile Teams Succeed Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: The Great Product Owner: Empathy in Action, How Great PO’s Help Their Agile Teams Succeed This episode shines a spotlight on a Product Owner whose empathy and people-centric approach set a gold standard for the role. Inga emphasizes how caring, empathy, and effective communication can elevate team creativity and bonding. Through this inspiring story, listeners will discover the transformative power of a Product Owner in harmonizing team dynamics and fostering an environment where people and projects thrive together. The Bad Product Owner: The Trust Divide, When Product Owners Destroy Trust in Their Interactions With Agile Teams This Product Owner constantly undermined team estimates. We take that example of a PO anti-pattern as the sto