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Diana Hill | Effortlessly Adapt to Any Situation and Excel Under Pressure



In today’s episode, we cover psychological flexibility with Dr. Diana Hill. Diana helps her clients build a values-rich life and unpacks the science of acceptance commitment therapy (ACT) through the cutting-edge podcast Psychologists Off the Clock, online teachings, and her book ACT Daily Journal: Get Unstuck and Live Fully with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Life throws curveballs at us all the time, but if you have psychological flexibility you can be prepared for them—so what is psychological flexibility, why is it detrimental to our health and fulfillment to be psychologically rigid, and how do you start developing psychological flexibility? What to Listen For Why did Dr. Diana Hill pursue a career in ACT? – 0:00 What is psychological flexibility and why is it important for all of us to work on it if we don’t want to be crushed by the events and challenges in our lives? What are the 6 processes involved in psychological flexibility and why is it more important to focus on the processes