

In today’s episode, we cover getting unstuck from your busy mind with Dr. Jessica Borushok. Jessica is an award winning author and recognized expert in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy who has helped hundreds transform their relationship with their thoughts and optimize their world. Busy minds keep many of us up late at night needlessly worrying, so what can we do to calm our minds so we can be more present and more productive and what does science say about why our minds race? What to Listen For What does science say about why our minds race when we’re bored? What are the two ways we use social media and which one is detrimental to your mental and emotional well being? Has technology made our minds busier, and if so, how do we deal with it? Is an affinity for worrying a result of nature or nurture? What question can you ask yourself to figure out if you’re worrying to solve problems or just worrying because you can’t quiet your mind? What can you do to calm your mind when it’s racing? What i