

Social anxiety has an impact that goes far beyond a discomfort interacting with people and can lead to substance abuse, depression, and suicidal ideation, so what can you do to overcome your social anxiety, how do your diet and physical health impact it, and how is technology playing a significant role in all of this? What to Listen For What is social anxiety and how do we deal with it during COVID-19 when social distancing is important? How do we deal with social anxiety now that social distancing is becoming a normal part of our daily lives? How did Mark Metry overcome his social anxiety and what can you learn from his journey so you can overcome your social anxiety before it ruins your life? How does your gut microbiome influence your social anxiety and mental wellbeing? How can looking at yourself in terms of hardware and software with regards to your self-development journey blow open your perspective on your overall health? Why is it important to tackle social anxiety after you’ve established a s