

Relationships are a two-way street, but when it comes to communication it’s important to understand people have a variety of preferences when it comes to how love and affection are given and received, so what are those preferences, how can you identify what someone’s preferences are, and how can you implement all of this information to build new relationships and strengthen existing ones? What to Listen For What can you do to strengthen the relationships in your life? What can you do if you think you’re a great listener but people around you keep complaining about you not listening? Why is it a recipe for disaster to look for someone to complete you and what should you be looking for instead? What are the Five Languages of Appreciation and how can you pick the best one for each of your relationships? What are the three parts of communication and how does your awareness of each part help to mitigate miscommunication? How do you identify the love languages of family, friends, and coworkers? Why are open