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764: Brett Bartholomew on why drive matters more than motivation and secrets to peak performance



Coaching athletes, or anyone for that matter, does not come with a simple one-size-fits-all approach, so what does effective coaching look like, what do you need to know about those you’re coaching, and who do coaches get coached by? What to Listen For How did Brett Bartholomew get started in the world of strength training and coaching? How do you get buy-in with athletes you’re coaching to make sure they follow your program without getting distracted by all the other information they’re bombarded with? What do you need to know about your athletes in order to best coach them and how do you tie it in with a responsible message? What is the Harvard 4 Drive Model and how can you start using it today to teach or coach more effectively? What 3 steps can you use to better relate to other people and build better relationships with coworkers, students, and athletes? How do you develop self-awareness and what should you look for in your own life to start with? What are the 3 stages of internal identification a