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761: 5 Ways to Approach Dating Meaningfully | Q&A w/ Dr. Laura Berman



Where do you even begin if you want to get better at meeting people? Improving your communication skills is an excellent place to start. Communication is important in relationships, and even more important when dating. We’ll dig into best practices, tips and strategies for dating and meeting new people with Dr Laura Berman. What to Listen For What drew Dr. Laura Berman to relationship and sex therapy? What is the current state of sex ed in schools and why is it so inadequate? How does porn affect the way you get aroused and why is it doing more harm than good? What is the fundamental problem with the paradox of choice when it comes to dating and dating apps? Why is it so important to think about how you want someone to make you feel and how does clarifying that make dating easier? Can you use DNA to find your perfect match? What is the best way for you to approach dating in the #MeToo era? How quickly should you move from dating app to meeting and why is it risky to draw it out? Where can you practic