

Many of us tend to overlook one of the greatest sources of wisdom in our lives - our elders - but how much can you learn from one simple conversation, what can you do to better connect with your elders, and what are the secrets to a long and happy life? What to Listen For Why is it important to maintain relationships with our elders and what can we learn from them, even in a technology dominated world? Are older generations facing the same level of loneliness that modern generations seem to be facing en masse? What do the elderly point to as secrets to a longer and happier life? What is one simple act you can do every time you run into someone you know that can strengthen the bond between you two? If you’re looking for a mentor, what can you do to approach an elder you’re interested in learning from? How do you connect with people from older generations if you feel you have nothing in common? What can you do to mend broken relationships before it’s too late? What simple mental exercise can you do to