

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is one of the most effective methods to increase psychological flexibility - but what exactly is ACT, how can it decrease the suffering in your life, and why is it so crucial to leading a happy and fulfilling life, especially in this day and age? What to Listen For What is the bus driver metaphor and how can you use it to prevent your thoughts and feelings from controlling you? What is ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) and why is it so effective? What one question can you ask yourself to determine why something is important to you? Why is it important to us to experience the full range of emotions, rather than just the good ones? How can you learn to appreciate negative feelings just as much as positive ones so you can decrease the suffering in your life? What can you do to turn negative feelings (like anxiety) into a guiding compass for what you want in life? What has been the biggest challenge with the way our lives have been infused with technology and w