

How can toxic people make you feel like you are losing your mind, what can they do to turn your coworkers and friends against you, and what is the best way to deal with them before the damage gets out of control, potentially leading you to lose a job, a relationship, or even your friends. What to Listen For Why is it so important to remove toxic people from your professional or personal social circle? What two proven ways can you use to remove toxic people from your life? How can a toxic person make you doubt your decision to cut them out? How do toxic people work to turn your friends and coworkers against you? What is gas lighting and how do toxic people use it against you to make you feel like you are losing your sanity? What are the signs you can look for to know when you are being gas lit and what should you do if your recognize these signs today? How do you go about dealing with toxic family members to remove their toxic influence on you? What can you do to deal with toxic coworkers since how y