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740: How Defined Values Lead to Long-term Happiness | w/ Russ Harris



Happiness is not meant to be a permanent state you exist in, but if you’re not meant to just feel good all the time, what is the end goal of creating our happiness and how do we approach the inevitable pain and suffering we all face in life? What to Listen For Why can negative emotions be your best friend when it comes to your happiness? Russ Harris debunks the popular myths about happiness and explains how they can actually lead you to be miserable In what ways are meaning and purpose related to your ability to maintain your happiness in the long term? How does Russ Harris define a rich and meaningful life that leads to an overall feeling of happiness? What can you do to be more comfortable and accepting of “negative” emotions and how does doing so help you avoid suffering? What is the difference between values, virtues, and morals? Why is it so important to define your values if you want to lead a rich and meaningful life full of happiness? Russ Harris explains what the “reality gap” and “reality s