

Happiness is one of those ideas that has an endless number of quotes about where it comes from (and where it does not). We’ve heard many of them so many times we just wave them off and roll our eyes before jumping back on the hamster wheel and chasing the next piece of cheese, completely unaware of the trap we put ourselves in, but what does science say about what makes us happy, what do you need to start focusing on today in order to achieve your happiness, and what must you be aware of in order to give yourself the best chance of a long, healthy, and happy life? What to Listen For Why is it so difficult for us as humans to determine what makes us happy? AJ explains why reaching milestones in life or attaining your goals does not equate to overall happiness How has technology seemingly put happiness further out of reach? Johnny explains how cognitive biases keep us from achieving true happiness What is “miswanting” and why do we constantly sabotage ourselves by doing it? What is the Harvard Study on A