

Technology in the digital age has made it easier than ever to form new connections and stay in touch with old ones, but it’s also led to increased loneliness and flakiness as people rack up more screen time and less face time, so why is this, why is showing up so important in deepening your connections with others, and what does showing up actually mean? Unfortunately, you may be paying the price of not knowing what that balance looks like if you’re not making a conscious effort to make new connections, deepen your existing ones, and actually show up for the people in your life. What to Listen For: Why is digital communication made to make you feel good and not the person you’re talking to? Why do people flake and how do we overcome that flakiness? How can we deepen the connections we already have? Why do we tend to lose friends over time? The value of getting comfortable saying NO What does “showing up” for your friends actually entail? The tools to turn acquaintances into true connections and salv