

Welcome to Minisode Monday, where we kick off the week with something quick and actionable -- to make you more magnetic and effective -- that you can implement right away. Never let it be said that The Art of Charm would discourage you from being the best you can be. But have you considered the merits of lowering the bar? Let's get to it! The Cheat Sheet: Setting your bar for success too high can result in the opposite of the desired effect. Rather than putting yourself in the path of a disempowering emotional state, consider the merits of lowering the bar. Focusing on goals that are far away or can only be experienced in a distant (or alternative) future means we never really experience rewards for our efforts. Instead of saying something like, "I'll be happy when I'm thin and muscular," say, "I'll be happy when I go to the gym." Immediately achievable goals set by a lower bar are far more effective in getting you to your desired target emotion than the cycle of failure triggered by a bar set too high. To l