

In this Minisode Monday, we talk about the pointless habit we all have of mentally reliving embarrassing moments in our lives and what we can do to stop it. Let's get to it! The Cheat Sheet: There are times when we all mull over embarrassing moments from our past. Like worrying, it's a pointless exercise. Ivan Pavlov proved that he could anchor a dog's feelings to stimuli. As humans, we're even better at doing this to ourselves. We beat ourselves up over a story we've built around a feeling and reinforce this negative pattern. The challenge: every time you start mulling over an event that makes you feel bad about yourself, try to remind yourself of a moment in which you triumphed -- an event that made you feel good. Try to think of something new each week that's positive and helpful toward breaking the habit of gravitating toward the negative. To learn more about social dynamics and productivity hacks, take the Art of Charm Challenge by clicking here, or text CHARMED to 33444. Also be sure to check out our S