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591: Judah Pollack & Olivia Fox Cabane | Breakthrough Thinking



Judah Pollack (@JudahThinks) and Olivia Fox Cabane (@foxcabane) rejoin the show to discuss their new book, The Net and the Butterfly: The Art and Practice of Breakthrough Thinking. The Cheat Sheet: What is breakthrough thinking -- and how does it relate to nets and butterflies? Though we all have the same brain architecture, why do some of us find breakthrough thinking more natural than others? Learn how to access your brain's genius lounge (without being impeded by your brain's executive office). Understand how your brain pieces together disparate information to solve problems in unique ways.  Spot your own native breakthrough style and cultivate habits that more frequently activate it. And so much more... Learn over 500 subjects (no tests or homework!) at The Great Courses Plus -- The Art of Charm listeners get one month free here! Whether you're a lady or a gent, you don't need to know what MicroModal fabric is to enjoy the comfort of MeUndies; you just need to wear them -- support this show (and yoursel