

“My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure.” ~Abraham LincolnFailure Number 9Lincoln’s quote ☝️ is a powerful and stark reminder that even the greatest among us stumble, fail, and fall flat on their faces.Given enough time, as Ray Dalio puts it, “There are a whole host of ways that something will get you.” See image below…This is where Lincoln’s example is proof positive that failure isn’t just a stepping stone to success; it’s an essential ingredient—a requirement.In the realm of biophysics, there’s a concept known as the principle of maximum error*. It suggests that organisms, including humans, benefit from mistakes. It is through experimentation and failing that we learn, grow, and optimize ourselves.Thus, Failure Number 9 or 18 or 72 isn’t a cause for despair but rather encouragement.As long as you have the capacity to choose your response (see prior episode, Stimulus vs Response), and guide your behaviors toward your goals and ideals, you are on the pa