

“When you shift your perspective stories, meanings, feelings and even behaviors can change.” Meaning as a Derivative of PerspectiveOur perspective often shapes our emotions and actions.Consider a bad breakup: Initially, it feels devastating, but years later, it might become a source of amusement.This shift in perspective changes the meaning of the event, which in turn influences our feelings, behaviors, and outcomes.Introducing: The Behavior Echo-SystemThe Behavior Echo-System, a new behavior model, illustrates how three key influencers are interconnected through our emotions and feelings:Thinking/Story: Our thoughts and beliefs. These are the internal narratives we rely on to plan, predict, and explain events.Behaviors/Habits/Skills: The actions we take and the habits and skills we develop.Environment: Our surroundings, including people and places. While we can influence our environment, it also impacts us and our behaviors.These three components continuously affect one another, creating a perpetual cycle.En