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The prestigious Oscar will be presented for the 93rd time tonight in LA - Dnes v noci sa v Los Angeles budú už po 93. raz rozdávať prestížne filmové ceny Oscar



We usually know the winners in February, but held much, much later this year on account of the pandemic, the Oscars will air tonight (Sunday, 25th April) We had high hopes for the Czech movie “The Charlatan” by director Agnieszka Holland, which we also had the opportunity to see at the recent Czechoslovak Film Festival in Australia. Unfortunately it wasn’t shortlisted in the Best Foreign Language Film category and neither was the Slovak movie from the Holocaust period “The Report” which according to critics also had a certain chance. In our common history, Czechoslovak filmmakers won the Oscar twice. Perhaps the best known is Oscar for a cult film with the unmistakable Jozef Króner in the main role of The shop on main street. - Bežne poznáme víťazov už v priebehu februára, no pandémia sa postarala o odklad aj tejto slávnosti. O Oscara mohla tento rok zabojovať aj česká snímka Šarlatán režisérky Agnieszky Holland, ktorú sme mali možnosť vidieť aj my, na nedávnom československom filmovom festivale v Austrálii.