Sbs Slovak - Sbs Po Slovensky

Fruit growers in Slovakia save the crop from frost by burning candles - Ovocinári na Slovensku zachraňujú úrodu pred mrazmi aj pálením sviečok



European fruit growers have lit thousands of small fires to ward off frost which is set to badly hit this year's production. Layers of smog near fruit farms in Slovakia that are produced by orchard fires are not unusual for this time of year. The practice of lighting fires or candles near vines or fruit trees to prevent the formation of frost is a long-standing technique used in early spring when the first green shoots are vulnerable to the cold. Emil Schulz is the owner of “Emilove Sady” farm in the south western region of Slovakia. Zuzana Kovacicova spoke with him at 3am Slovak time, when he and his team were busy at work. - Európski vinári a ovocinári zakladali tento týždeň tisíce malých požiarov, aby zabránili mrazu, ktorý ohrozuje tohtoročnú úrodu. Vrstvy smogu, ktoré sa v dôsledku toho objavujú v blízkosti ovocných sadov, nie sú v tomto ročnom období nezvyčajné. Zapaľovanie ohňa alebo sviečok v blízkosti viniča a ovocných stromov patrí k starým praktikám. Skoro na jar, keď sú prvé zelené výhonky citlivé