Stage 1: Greetings and presentations in Spanish



English translation of podcast audio Spanish Route, episode ONE. Your guided route to Spanish. Good morning, good afternoon or good evening. Welcome to Spanish Route. The program, the podcast, to learn Spanish in the easiest and most fun way. My name is Sergio and I am your personal Spanish trainer. This is the first program and it's going to be very easy, you'll see. We will learn to introduce ourselves and to greet us. We will ask some questions and answer them. That way you'll know me a little better. But first, I want to remind you that on my website:  You can read the transcription and English translation of this program. In case there is something you have not understood well. You can download the pdf with the presentation of the class and with a very easy written exercise to help you practice the concepts we have talked about today. Also, from , you can write me with questions that we will solve in the program. And if you want to access Sky