Opening Arguments

OA426: Breonna Updates; Trump's Outrageous Tax Returns



We're still mad about Breonna Taylor's killing, and you should be too. A juror has come forward to say that the AG misrepresented the deliberations. We're like to get the tapes soon, but as of now we don't have them. We clarify and expand on a few things from our previous Breonna episode. Andrew also does a mini dive on the disproportionate racial breakdown of our prison population. In our main story, we talk about the blockbuster story by the NYT on Trump's tax returns. Andrew answers whether the NYT is in any legal trouble for the article, and we go into the horrifying contents of Trump's returns. Links: Breonna's family's civil suit, BOP Statistics: Inmate Race, Gap between number of blacks, whites in prison narrows, Imprisonment rate of black Americans fell by a third from 2006 to 2018, How to reduce the federal prison population, Trends in US Corrections, Immigration sends more people to federal prison, 21 US Code § 841, OA45: What Could Donald Trump's Tax Returns Tell Us?, OA46: What Coul