Opening Arguments

OA425: 'The Election That Could Break America' ???



Let's talk about that Atlantic article that has really been scaring people. Andrew brings us his signature deep-dive, and why he's slightly optimistic that the fears in the article won't ultimately be borne out. Up first, we preview a topic for another time, this really interesting lawsuit against Facebook regarding the Rittenhouse shootings. Links: Trump will see what happens, Presidential Emergency Action Documents, OA370: Can Trump Cancel the Election? and Other COVID-19 Questions!, 19-465 Chiafalo v. Washington (07-06-2020), Faithless Elector State Laws, Trump’s Upcoming Refusal to Leave Office: The Good News, Trump’s Upcoming Refusal to Leave Office: The Very Bad News, Vox Will Trump leave office if defeated?, law review: preparing for a disputed election, 3 U.S. Code § 2 - Failure to make choice on prescribed day, 3 U.S. Code § 5 - Determination of controversy as to appointment of electors, 3 US Code § 15 - Counting electoral votes in Congress, Atlantic The Terrifying Inadequacy of American