Opening Arguments

OA319: Your Guide To Impeachment!



Today's Deep Dive can't help but stay high atop Yodel Mountain. We imagine that by the time you're hearing this, the House will have voted to begin an impeachment inquiry. Curious about what that means, why it matters, and what happens next? Then this is the show for you! Don’t forget Opening Arguments LIVE in Los Angeles, CA on October 12, 2019. Here is the link!! We begin, however, with a brief update on #Brexit; no, we haven't forgotten that our closest ally is also suffering under the weight of an insane leader hell-bent on a racist policy that everyone knows is an impending disaster. But unlike the U.S., it looks like the U.K. Supreme Court.... still understands the rule of law? What a novel concept. Then, it's time for a deep dive into impeachment, where we tackle: Exactly why President Trump's conduct towards Ukraine in particular is so reprehensible; Why beginning an "impeachment inquiry" matters; What the Nixon articles of impeachment looked like; The Clinton impeachment timeline; ALL the w