Opening Arguments

OA257: Michael Cohen Testifies, Part 1



Today's episode breaks down ex-Trump fixer Michael Cohen's testimony before the House of Representatives and all the Yodel Mountain implications that stem from it.  What's next?  Listen and find out! We begin, however, with an update on the American Legion v. American Humanist Association case where Andrew recently spoke at the AHA's #HonorThemAll rally. After that, it's time to find out about Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz who attempted to intimidate Michael Cohen and... may have gotten into some legal trouble thanks to this show and it's listeners! Then, we begin breaking down the Cohen testimony... but there's so much here to cover, we decided to  keep going for yet another hour, and you'll get that tomorrow! For the first time, we don't end with a brand new Thomas Takes the Bar Exam Question, but you'll get #116 tomorrow.  As always, remember to follow our Twitter feed (@Openargs) and like our Facebook Page so that you too can play along with #TTTBE! AppearancesNone!  And if you'd like to have either of us as a