Chicken Soup For The Soul With Amy Newmark

That Tough Choice—Moving Your Loved One into Assisted Living or Memory Care



Hey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul and today’s inspiration and advice comes from Chicken Soup for the Soul: Navigating Eldercare & Dementia. This new collection of stories contains the emotional support and practical tips that you need as you navigate the world of eldercare, especially when Alzheimer’s or other dementias are part of it. You’ll feel less alone and more empowered in your new role after you read these stories. And today I want to talk about one of the difficult choices that families make, which is whether to move their loved ones into a group home such as an assisted living apartment building or a memory care unit. We want to make sure that our listeners know this is a very viable option, and not something to feel guilty about. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit