Bulletproof Radio

Dr. Dwight Jennings: A Live Look at Bite Realignment & How TMJ Impedes Performance #182



Dr. Dwight Jennings is a dentist and TMJ Specialist with expertise in treating orofacial pain, non-surgical orthodontics, and dental orthopedics. Dwight has been practicing neuromuscular dentistry for over 25 years, and has been involved in clinical research and creating new therapies for a large number of medical and developmental disorders that are associated with TMJ, jaw/bite misalignment, and high levels of systemic inflammation caused by the pain neurotransmitter, substance P.   Why you should listen –     In Part 1 of this 2-part podcast, Bulletproof Radio goes live inside Dr. Jenning’s office to discuss how bite alignment can impact everything from pregnancy and infertility, to migraines. head trauma sensitivity, symptoms of aging, and even erectile dysfunction, all while adjusting the contact points of Dave’s teeth and fixing his nocturnal bite guard. You’re definitely going to want to check out the video on this episiode, and don’t forget to check out Part 1! See Privacy Policy at https://art19.co