Bulletproof Radio

Hal Elrod: Be Happier, Healthier, & More Productive - #176



Please pardon the poor quality of the audio and video, but the information Hal shared was far too valuable not to share!   Hal Elrod is a motivational speaker, success coach, and author of the #1 bestseller, The Miracle Morning. When he was 20, Hal was hit by a drunk driver going 70 mph, and was declared clinically dead for 6 minutes before recovering consciousness. Hal overcame medical logic by bouncing back to not only walk again, but to complete a 52-mile Ultra-marathon. He subsequently went on to become a record-breaking sales rep and national champion sales manager for Cutco, and eventually one of the most sought after keynote speakers in America before becoming a multiple time best-selling author. Hal has appeared on NBC’s Daytime, Fox News, and a host of other TV shows to share his incredible story, and the personal development secrets he has discovered for creating the life of your dreams.   Why you should listen –     Hal comes on Bulletproof Radio to discuss the 5-minute Rule for dealing with adver