Bulletproof Radio

#54 Neurofeedback Technology, Best Biohack Yet, with Dr. Valdeane Brown



This episode is all about the most effective biohack I’ve experience yet – NeurOptimal® brain training. Dr. Valdeane Brown, Founder of NeurOptimal, came on the show to explain how this technology takes your performance to uncharted levels! The NeurOptimal brain trainer is the most powerful and affordable neurofeedback technology available. You will get to hear about the EEG technology and how it transforms your brain, upgrade athletic performance, and even help with migraines, PTSD, and abusive relationships. Does this sound too good to be true? Listen for yourself… Dr. Valdeane W. Brown is an internationally recognized "trainer of neurofeedback trainers", who has taught and consulted widely on personal and organizational transformation. With a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and a background in math, physics, computer programming, philosophy, yoga, meditation and martial arts, Dr. Brown brings a presence and precision to his work. This is further informed by a profound sense of compassion, a facility with energ