Adventurous Faith: Life To The Full

#003: The #1 Skill You Need To Be Successful in Life



What skill do you feel is most important in developing as a successful young man? If you could choose one skill you could pursue and work on for the rest of your life, what would it be? In today’s episode, we’re going to cut straight to the heart. The #1 skill you need to kill it as a Successful man isn’t leadership, communication, or learning how to manage money.    It’s becoming like Jesus.    That’s it. This is the skill you and I need to ultimately get the life we want. And yet, few of us rarely pursue it. Why is that?    On today’s episode, I want to share with you about how I discovered this skill in my own life, the struggles I bump in along the way and 4 practical steps you can take today in order to get you to the place where you are not just practicing what it means to become like Jesus, but experiencing gains, too.    Show Notes:   Resources mentioned in this episode:   The Adventurous Faith Morning Guide - I used to suck at mornings. But then I found a routine that worked for me