Eric Barry Writes: Poetry, Short Stories, And Writing

003: Corinne and the Cheese (Part 2)



This week we continue following the journey of a young woman in her quest to find herself and an unlikely partner in the bedroom. Follow the show: Email: Listen to more from Heartache at Listen to more from Julian Gray at 00:34 - Heartache - No More Control 04:16 - Hans Zimmer - Quantifiable Connection 09:40 - Mum - The Land Between Solar Systems 12:30 - Julian Gray - Breathe 13:25 - Hans Zimmer - Where We’re Going 19:41 - Phil Collins & Philip Bailey - Easy Lover 20:06 - Mum - K/Half Noise Corinne and the Cheese (Part 2): On Tuesday, July 7, 2015 my Honda Civic broke down on the side of El Camino Real in San Mateo. It would not be inaccurate to say that in many ways, I too broke down that night. I pressed my forehead down to the steering wheel, and closed my eyes.   I was 30 years old and living at home in the Bay Area. I was 30 years old and failing out of