Dorkside News Network

Ep 108: Umbrella Academy Lovefest, Pokemon's New Starters, and the best and worst Time Travel



Ep 108: Umbrella Academy Lovefest, Pokemon's New Starters, and the best and worst Time Travel fandoms. Pokemon Sword and Shield was announced today on Pokemon day, shown with the three new starters! Talisman is making a Kingdom Hearts version of the board game, we may be excited... Switch didn't just get XBox Live, they appear to be getting game pass too, what does this mean? Altered Carbon Season 2 cast was announced, the only real change was...Falcon? James gives his "glowing" (Pun Intended, if you've seen the show) review of Umbrella Academy! Pewdiepie makes history by having Elon Musk and Justin Roiland host an episode of his famous show "Meme Review". EVO 2019, the biggest fighting game tournament in the world announced it will no longer run Super Smash Brothers Melee. Is this the end? There are apparently 3 times of time travel, Rich explores which ones they are.