The Bad Boy Running Podcast

Ep 172 - Pamela Chapman Markle on running 100 miles as your first race



Pamela Chapman Markle is a phenomenon. At the age of 55, she decided to take up running, thanks to the suggestion of a work colleague. However, when she went to sign up for the Rocky Raccoon 50 miler (a pretty punchy first race, admittedly), it was full. Undeterred Pamela signed up for the Rocky Raccoon 100 miler instead... (yes, a 100 miler as her FIRST race!) and the rest is history.  Jody and David speak to Pamela about how she manages to hold down a full-time job while also kicking ass on ultras from the Keys Ultras to Badwater and the Brazil 135. Enjoy! If you enjoyed this episode please SUBSCRIBE to get every episode delivered to you before everyone else. Join the conversation! If you want to request a guest or chat about this episode with like-minded drunk runners then head over to the Bad Boy Running Podcast Facebook group, here: To join, just answer three questions either correctly or hilariously and we'll realise you're not a spam robot and add you!