Monday Morning Motivator

What if I don't want a private jet, a "Lambo" or a Ferrari?



What if your definition of success doesn’t match what is being put out there by other success gurus and sales trainers? What if you don’t WANT a private jet, a Lamborghini OR a Ferrari? If that’s you.. You need to pay attention to this post ‘cause I’ll show you how some of those thoughts can actually be getting in your way.. And how to overcome them, even if the “gurus” never change their teachings… In this week’s Monday Morning Motivator you’ll get: I had this thought when my son mistook my Aunt’s white Mercedes convertible with a beat up grey Hyundai… What if we still saw things as we saw them as children? Before our man-made definitions of success were created and sold to us? I have never personally been motivated by these things… and at one time it hurt my chances at success… because subconsciously, I didn’t want to be associated with the gas-guzzling, environmentally unfriendly version of American-made success… These portrayals are actually very dangerous and detrimental to the possibility of moral an