Monday Morning Motivator

5-Seconds to Overcoming Anxiety



Not hitting numbers, office politics, irate customers, failing salespeople…Sales leadership is an intense role so I’m sharing what I do to overcome anxiety in case it helps you... Stop & Reboot: Thoughts stem from beliefs which are created in childhood. Yes, being worried about that meeting with your boss tomorrow can be tied to being made to feel you weren’t good enough as a child.  Choose your belief: The Yin Yang philosophy states life is equally balanced positive/negative.  When you’re anxious you’re only seeing the negative. The more you choose the negative, the more you see the negative, and the cycle gets stronger and more difficult to escape.  Force yourself to see it another way, even if you have to fake it: You choose which side of the Yin Yang you dwell in. This is difficult because your fears are also there to protect you from danger. But those fears also be the things that strengthen you if you don’t run away.  Prove yourself wrong: Look for evidence that your new positive outlook is true