Borrow My Brain Podcast

Podcast Ep-24: only 2 pages for Youth



Borrow My Brain, Podcast series #24 Podcast Ep-24: Only 2 pages for Youth? Few words Podcast Ep-24: only 2 pages for Youth ...we are discussing, on the occasion of Greece's (Holistic?) Development Plan, how unfair our look is for the future, infrastructure, education, and preparation of our next generation for the new (digital) Economy. Things are evolving so quickly, but ignorant and dangerously irrelevant people simply write down nice-to-hear (?) words. The Future is here, but our societies are not changing. They have no change agenda to prepare a new dynamic generation. We know that the curtain, when it will open (for our children), can scare you. This podcast series is a knowledge-sharing initiative for Change, Growth, Storytelling, and Talent. The podcast is in the Greek language to give stimuli, insights, hard-facts, and examples to young Greeks and Cypriots for the on-going Transformation and their future path. They shouldn't go there alone... Click to listen Click on the icon to subscribe at i